
Welcome to Day-Corp, developers of fine MS-Dos software.

All products are available to download in the Products area.
All our programs are, at present, public domain.

News updates have been posted for October 2003.

October 2003 Info
Immense appreciation goes out to http://www.freedos.org/ for the link.
A huge response has been received, so thank you to all!
But sincere apologies to all those who have visited and found the site
to be timed-out. One solution is to try
the Yahoo-Geocities site: http://www.geocities.com/daycorpuk/

Major info 13 OCT 2003
The source code for Blue may be released as public domain within the next few
weeks. This is only a possibility, and is no guarantee of it happening.
We will keep you all updated.

Minor info #1, 13 OCT 2003
The people at www.freedos.org have kindly mirrored the Blue download zip
file at their site, as this Lycos site is fast running out of bandwidth for the
month of October. This change will hopefully be invisible to most users, as
the only thing which will change will be the download of the Blue zip will
come from freedos.org's site.

Minor info #2, 13 OCT 2003
It has been noted that the license agreement for Blue does not allow
mirroring of the Blue zip file anywhere. Thus, related to the
above (minor info #1), the license agreement has been updated: You
may now mirror the Blue download zip file at your website.

Blue is still be available to download here. Please note: It is an 8mb download,
so please be patient!

Please feel free to comment/query either via email
as below, or on the forums at qb45.net.

Please contact us at daycorp@loadmail.com